Wednesday, 5 June 2013

21 Income Streams - Multiple Ways to Make Money Online Ebook free download

Joanne Mason | PDF |
Joanne Mason has written an ebook tittled 21 Income Streams: Multiple Ways To Make Money Online. This ebook shows 21 profit pulling techniques that are a surefire methods seen first hand and can attest to the money making potential in every single one and its yours for free. Here’s a teaser of what is inside:
- How to Make Money Online with Affiliate Programs
- How to Make Money Online with Blogs
- How to Make Money Online with eBooks
- How to Make Money Online with ebay Referrals
- How to Make Money Online with Your Own Niche Directory
- How to Make Money Online with an Internet Radio Show
- How to Make Money Online Selling Stock Photos
- How to Make Money Online Interviewing Experts
- How to Make Money Online with a Classified Advertising Site
- How to Make Money Online with a Local Real Estate Portal
- How to Make Money Online Creating Your Own Software
- How to Make Money Online with Teleseminars & Webinars
- How to Make Money Online with Residual Income Programs
- How to Make Money Online with Audio eCourses
- How to Make Money Online as a Coach/Consultant
- How to Make Money Online with a Content Site
- How to Make Money Online as a Virtual Assistant
- How to Make Money Online a Local Online Mall
- How to Make Money Online with a Social Networking Site
- How to Make Money Online Providing Helpdesk Support
- How to Make Money Online with Your Own Membership Site
Free download on link below:

Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours Ebook free download

Full Color!
In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build powerful applications for the world’s first complete, open, and free mobile platform: Android. Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll build a fully-featured Android application from the ground up and master the skills you need to design, develop, test, and publish powerful applications. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Android development tasks.
Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion.
Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.
Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to…
  • Develop Android applications quickly and successfully with Java
  • Master Google’s Android SDK and development tools
  • Leverage the Eclipse programming environment to develop Android projects
  • Understand the Android application lifecycle
  • Build effective, user-friendly user interfaces
  • Retrieve, store, and work with application data
  • Develop powerful network applications
  • Add popular social features and location-based services to your applications
  • Take advantage of Android device hardware like the camera
  • Internationalize, test, and publish your Android applications
Free download on link below:

500 Million Ways to Make Money from Facebook free Ebook Download

With Facebook recently exceeding half a billion users, businesses of all types are realizing they have a big opportunity to monetize their efforts on the world’s largest social network.
To put this into perspective, compare Facebook to the largest retailer in the world, Walmart: Roughly 20 million people visit Walmart on a daily basis, whereas 250 million people visit Facebook each day. There is no other online marketing channel that can deliver this kind of reach.
Free download on link below:

Power Factor Training A Scientific Approach to Building Lean Muscle Mass free Ebook Download

Bodybuilding experts Peter Sisco and John Little present a revolutionary new system for building maximum muscle in a minimum amount of time. Power Factor Training emphasizes very heavy overloading of the musculature and long rest periods between workouts, resulting in amazing gains in size and strength. This astounding guide details the proven physiological principles of the program, answers specific training questions, and outlines a concise workout schedule that is sure to benefit beginning, intermediate, and advanced bodybuilders.
Free download on link below:

eBay Millionaire Secrets free Ebook download

Pages: 44 I PDF I 528 KB
This course takes you from choosing your first item to sell, through to expanding your product range, setting up an eBay store and establishing a brand, achieving powerseller status and finally, expanding your business into a website and to other selling forums as well. In other words, you can expect to achieve a lot if you want. eBay Millionaire Secrets sets a number of different milestones throughout the course and it’s entirely up to you how far you want to go – the only person that can stop you is YOU!
Free download on link below:
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The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding : The Bible of Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger free Ebook download

Size: 294 MB
From elite bodybuilding competitors to gymnasts, from golfers to fitness gurus, anyone who works out with weights must own this book -- a book that only Arnold Schwarzenegger could write, a book that has earned its reputation as "the bible of bodybuilding."
Inside, Arnold covers the very latest advances in both weight training and bodybuilding competition, with new sections on diet and nutrition, sports psychology, the treatment and prevention of injuries, and methods of training, each illustrated with detailed photos of some of bodybuilding's newest stars.
Screenshots (Size of screenshots has been reduced for easier preview):
File type: High speed torrent with the download speed of maximum of your internet connection. Why hassle with torrents from some torrent sites and wait for ages for your file to download? Download it in no time with this high speed torrent. You can see the proof by clicking on image link: (My internet connection speed is 4 Mbit/s and as you can see it is downloading at its maximum at 479.0 kB/s. If your internet connection is faster you will download it at your internet connection maximum speed).
Free download on link below:

How to Develop Money-Making Niche Sites with WordPress free Ebook download

This Ebook is a beginners guide to using the WordPress platform to setup static websites as
opposed to the usual blogs that we are so used to with WordPress.
The sites in question are small static (using pages and not posts) websites that are
optimised towards a particular subject and then monetized using AdSense and affiliate links.
However, this Ebook is not about making money – it’s about WordPress.
Free download on link below:
DOWNLOAD (326.98 KB)

D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) 4th Edition books collection Ebook pack free download Game Handbooks Manuals

Book collection for 4th edition of D&D. All books are OCR-ed. The pack includes:
- Player's handbook 1, 2, 3
- Dungeon master's guide 1, 2
- Monster manual 1, 2
- Player's strategy guide
- Martial power
- Arcane power
- Adventurer's vault
- Manual of the planes

File type: High speed torrent with the download speed of maximum of your internet connection. Why hassle with torrents from some torrent sites and wait for ages for your ebooks to download? Download it in no time with this high speed torrent. You can see the proof by clicking on image link: (My internet connection speed is 4 Mbit/s and as you can see it is downloading at its maximum at 478.3 kB/s. If your internet connection is faster you will download it at your internet connection maximum speed).
Free download on link below:

Earth - Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library AudioBook Free Full Download

  • Publisher: Audio Literature; Abridged edition (April 1998)
  • Language: English
  • Barbara Marciniak

  • Embraced worldwide as key spiritual teachers, the Pleidians use wit, wisdom, and deep compassion to assist us in creating a new vision of Earth. By restoring value to the human being and recognizing the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA, we can discover our crucial roles in the transformational process unfolding in our times. 2 cassettes.
    Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library is their handbook to inspired living, calling on us to restore and return value to the human being, and to recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to our DNA and our heritage.
    Using wit, wisdom, and deep compassion, they entice us to explore the corridors of time through the concept of the Game Masters; to awaken the crucial codes for multidimensional perspective; and to redream the Living Library of Earth. Their teachings are significantly arranged in twelve chapters to trigger a deeper understanding of our ancestral linage. Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the transformational process unfolding in our times.
    Download this AudioBook for Free by clicking on link below:
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    Banksy - Existencelism - Wall&Piece - Banging your head against a brick wall free Ebook Pack download

    ExistencilismThe second volume of work from the infamous political graffiti artist Banksy. This edition carries photographs of work from Barcelona, London and San Francisco.
    Wall And Piece
    Banksy, Britain's now-legendary "guerilla" street artist, has painted the walls, streets, and bridges of towns and cities throughout the world. Not only did he smuggle his pieces into four of  New York City's major art museums, he's also "hung" his work at London's Tate Gallery and adorned Israel's West Bank barrier with satirical images. Banksy's identity remains unknown, but his work is unmistakable—with prints selling for as much as $45,000
    Banging Your Head Against A Brick Wall
    The first incendiary collection of stencils and graffiti from Banksy, the best known grafitti/street artist/urban guerilla in the world. Rarely have art and politics been put to such fine,and overtly public, use. Mix the irony and juxtaposition of John Yates with the beauty of the finest aerosol art, and you'll have some idea of how good this really is. The reproductions are interspersed with an excellent array of quotes, statements, letters and a beginners guide to painting with stencils. Very, very good.
    Type: Fast torrent. Download this ebook fast torrent at your maximum connection speed. Torrent speed proof: My connection speed is 10 Mbit/s, and torrent downloads at maximum speed: 1.1 MB/s. If you have a connection with higher speed, it will download at its maximum.
    Download this e-book pack for free by clicking on link below:

    Pope Benedict XVI - Light of the World: The Pope, The Church and the Signs Of The Times free Ebook (e-book) download

    Never has a Pope, in a book-length interview, dealt so directly with such wide-ranging and controversial issues as Pope Benedict XVI does in Light of the World. Taken from a recent week-long series of interviews with veteran journalist Peter Seewald, this book tackles head-on some of the greatest issues facing the world of our time. Seewald poses such forthright questions to Pope Benedict as:
    Was there a "cover up"?
    Have you considered resigning?
    Can there be a genuine dialogue with Islam?
    Holy Communion for divorced-and-remarried Catholics?
    Is there a schism in the Catholic Church?
    Should there be a Third Vatican Council?
    Is there any hope for Christian unity?
    Is Christianity the only truth?
    Can the Pope really speak for Jesus Christ?
    How can the Pope claim to be "infallible"?
    Is there a "dictatorship of relativism" today?
    Download this e-book for free by clicking on link below:
    DOWNLOAD (1.78 MB)

    How Apollo Flew to the Moon Free Ebook (e-book) Download

    • How Apollo Flew to the Moon
    • W. David Woods
    • 2011
    • ISBN: 1441971785
    • 586 pages
    • PDF
    • 21.3 MB
    • Download the ebook here or by clicking on link at the bottom of the post after description
    Stung by the pioneering space successes of the Soviet Union - in particular, Gagarin being the first man in space, the United States gathered the best of its engineers and set itself the goal of reaching the Moon within a decade. In an expanding 2nd edition of How Apollo Flew to the Moon, David Woods tells the exciting story of how the resulting Apollo flights were conducted by following a virtual flight to the Moon and its exploration of the surface. From launch to splashdown, he hitches a ride in the incredible spaceships that took men to another world, exploring each step of the journey and detailing the enormous range of disciplines, techniques, and procedures the Apollo crews had to master.

    While describing the tremendous technological accomplishment involved, he adds the human dimension by calling on the testimony of the people who were there at the time. He provides a wealth of fascinating and accessible material: the role of the powerful Saturn V, the reasoning behind trajectories, the day-to-day concerns of human and spacecraft health between two worlds, the exploration of the lunar surface and the sheer daring involved in traveling to the Moon and the mid-twentieth century. Given the tremendous success of the original edition of How Apollo Flew to the Moon, the second edition will have a new chapter on surface activities, inspired by reader's comment on There will also be additional detail in the existing chapters to incorporate all the feedback from the original edition, and will include larger illustrations.
    Download this e-book for free by clicking on link below:
    DOWNLOAD (21.29 MB)

    Handbook of Venoms and Toxins of Reptiles Free Ebook (e-book) Download PDF

    Author: Stephen P.Mackessy
    ISBN: 0849391652
    Pages: 548
    Language: English
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
    DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK HERE or by clicking on link at the bottom of the post after description.
    The Handbook of Venoms and Toxins of Reptiles offers one book in all to all biologists, biochemists, toxicologists, physicians, clinicians, and epidemiologists, and informed laypersons interested in the biology of venomous reptiles, the biochemistry and molecular biology of venoms, and the effects and treatment of human envenomation. This book examines the topic generally, provides an overview of the current taxonomy of these reptiles, explains the similarities and differences in the venom delivery apparatus in different groups of reptiles, reviews state-of-the-art knowledge about specific venom components and their action, and summarizes effects of envenomation and treatment in humans on different continents.
    Produced by leading toxinologists, biologists, biochemists, and physicians from 12 countries, the book provides a broad, international perspective that bridges divergent areas in modern biology. A synthesis of current knowledge about venoms and venomous reptiles, it contains a wealth of illustrations, including an 8-page color insert, that present a view of reptile toxinology from the whole animal to the glands producing venoms to the molecular models and the mechanisms of actions of the toxins themselves.
    The book provides a context for understanding the range of activities present in venoms and supplies detailed information on many enzymes and toxins found in them, bringing into focus the worldwide extent of the occurrence and complexity of human envenomations by reptiles. It explores the unique and interesting results produced by collaborations between specialists from very different fields and how they can stimulate new and continued interest in research on venoms and the animals that produce them.
    Free download on link below:
    DOWNLOAD (10.23 MB)

    The Wanderer (Thunder Point) by Robin Carr

    Nestled on the Oregon Coast is a small town of rocky beaches and rugged charm. Locals love the land's unspoiled beauty. Developers see it as a potential gold mine. When newcomer Hank Cooper learns he's been left an old friend's entire beachfront property, he finds himself with a community's destiny in his hands.
    Cooper has never been a man to settle in one place, and Thunder Point was supposed to be just another quick stop. But Cooper finds himself getting involved with the town. And with Sarah Dupre, a woman as complicated as she is beautiful.
    With the whole town watching for his next move, Cooper has to choose between his old life and a place full of new possibilities. A place that just might be home.

    Download The Wanderer (Thunder Point) Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    The Hit by David Baldacci

    Will Robie is a master of killing.
    A highly skilled assassin, Robie is the man the U.S. government calls on to eliminate the worst of the worst-enemies of the state, monsters committed to harming untold numbers of innocent victims.
    No one else can match Robie's talents as a one, except Jessica Reel. A fellow assassin, equally professional and dangerous, Reel is every bit as lethal as Robie. And now, she's gone rogue, turning her gun sights on other members of their agency.
    To stop one of their own, the government looks again to Will Robie. His mission: bring in Reel, dead or alive. Only a killer can catch another killer, they tell him.
    But as Robie pursues Reel, he quickly finds that there is more to her betrayal than meets the eye. Her attacks on the agency conceal a larger threat, a threat that could send shockwaves through the U.S. government and around the world. 

    The Heist: A Novel by Janet Evanovich

    FBI Special Agent Kate O’Hare is known for her fierce dedication and discipline on the job, chasing down the world’s most wanted criminals and putting them behind bars. Her boss thinks she is tenacious and ambitious; her friends think she is tough, stubborn, and maybe even a bit obsessed. And while Kate has made quite a name for herself for the past five years the only name she’s cared about is that of Nicolas Fox—an international crook she wants in more ways than one.             

    Audacious, handsome, and dangerously charming, Nicolas Fox is a natural con man, notorious for running elaborate scams on very high-profile people. At first he did it for the money. Now he does it for the thrill. He knows that the FBI has been hot on his trail—particularly Kate O’Hare, who has been watching his every move. For Nick, there’s no greater rush than being pursued by a beautiful woman . . . even one who aims to lock him up. But just when it seems that Nicolas Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: He convinces the FBI to offer him a job, working side by side with Special Agent Kate O’Hare.

    Problem is, teaming up to stop a corrupt investment banker who’s hiding on a private island in Indonesia is going to test O’Hare’s patience and Fox’s skill. Not to mention the skills of their ragtag team made up of flamboyant actors, wanted wheelmen, and Kate’s dad. High-speed chases, pirates, and Toblerone bars are all in a day’s work . . . if O’Hare and Fox don’t kill each other first.

    Download The Heist: A Novel by Janet Evanovich ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    The Host by Stephenie Meyer Ebook

    This is one of my favorite book, just because I love Stephenie Meyer's work.For people who loves Twilight will surely like this book.

    About the book
    Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of human hosts while leaving their bodies intact. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, didn't expect to find its former tenant refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

    As Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of Jared, a human who still lives in hiding, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she's never met. Reluctant allies, Wanderer and Melanie set off to search for the man they both love.

    You can download the book from the link below.

    Download The Host EPUB,EMOBI,PDF

    Falling into you by Jasinda Wilder

    This is one of my favorite romantic novel and it is written bt Jasinda Wilder. Whenever I visit Amazon ebooks section this always ranks among top 10 ebooks. So this book is very much recommended for people having romantic sense like me :D

    About the book
    I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first. Kyle was my first one true love, my first in every way.
    Then, one stormy August night, he died, and the person I was died with him.

    Colton didn't teach me how to live. He didn't heal the pain. He didn't make it okay. He taught me how to hurt, how to not be okay, and, eventually, how to let go.

    Download Falling into you Epub,Mobi and PDF

    Six Years by Harlan Coben

    I love all the books of Harlan Coben and his latest book Six Years is no exception. It has become New York's Number 1 seller within a short time. It is a must read if you are an ardent fan of Harlan Coben.

    About the Book

    Six years have passed since Jake Fisher watched Natalie, the love of his life, marry another man. Six years of hiding a broken heart by throwing himself into his career as a college professor. Six years of keeping his promise to leave Natalie alone, and six years of tortured dreams of her life with her new husband, Todd.

    But six years haven’t come close to extinguishing his feelings, and when Jake comes across Todd’s obituary, he can’t keep himself away from the funeral. There he gets the glimpse of Todd’s wife he’s hoping for…but she is not Natalie. Whoever the mourning widow is, she’s been married to Todd for almost two decades, and with that fact everything Jake thought he knew about the best time of his life—a time he has never gotten over—is turned completely inside out.

    Download Six Years by Harlan Coben Ebook Epub,Mobi and PDF

    Light in the Shadows (Find You in the Dark #2) by Meredith Walters

    This is one of the best off Walters work. The book is red hot in sales in Amazon ebooks sections and a must read for all dark romantic genre fans.

    About the book
    Maggie never thought she’d see Clay again. So, she attempts to put her life back together after her heart has been shattered to pieces. Moving on and moving forward, just as Clay wanted her to.

    Clay never stopped thinking of Maggie. Even after ripping their lives apart and leaving her behind to get the help he so desperately needed. He is healing...slowly. But his heart still belongs to the girl who tried to save him.

    When a sudden tragedy brings Maggie and Clay face to face again, nothing is the same. Yet some things never change. Can the darkness that threatened to consume them be transformed into something else and finally give them what they always wanted? And can two people who fought so hard to be together, finally find their happiness? Or will their demons and fear drive them apart for good?

    The thing about love, is even when it destroys you, it has a way of mending what is broken. And in the shadows, you can still see the light.

     Download Light in the Shadows (Find You in the Dark #2) Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    Inferno a Novel by Dan Brown

    This is one of the most expected book of this year, not just for me but for all Dan Brown fans. Wherever I go, I hear people discussing about this. This book is expected to come out on May15th 2013.

    About the book
    In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology, Robert Langdon, is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces . . . Dante’s Inferno.

    Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Drawing from Dante’s dark epic poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered.

    I will be updating the download link as soon as I get it.

    Download Inferno by Dan Brown Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    Music of the heart by Katie Ashley

    This is the latest book written by the famous Katie Ashley and it is a New York Best seller.From the picture above you can see that this is a romantic novel an it involves music as well. So what more cant be liked :P

    About the book
    For Abby Renard, the plan was supposed to be simple—join her brothers’ band on the last leg of their summer tour and decide if she’s finally ready for the limelight by becoming its fourth member. Of course, she never imagined stumbling onto the wrong tour bus at Rock Nation would accidentally land her in the bed of Jake Slater, the notorious womanizing lead singer of Runaway Train. When he mistakes her for one of his groupie’s, Abby quickly lets him know she sure as hell isn't in his bed on purpose.

    Download Music of the heart by Katie Ashley Ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    Surrender Your Love by JC Reed

    This is one of the New York best seller by JC Reed. It was released on March 12 2013 and has created lost of shout outs among the readers. Do read it when you have time. A sequence for this book is due to release on June 1 2013.

    About the book
    Meeting Jett was like lightning. Dangerous. Better left untouched. And better forgotten. But lightning always strikes twice.

    Brooke Stewart, a realtor in New York, doesn't do relationships. When she's sent to a remote estate to finalize a real estate deal, she discovers her new boss is no other than the guy she left naked in bed.

    Sexy, dangerously handsome, and arrogant Jett Mayfield attracts trouble, and women, like a lightning rod. But the night he meets Brooke he gets more than he bargained for. The green-eyed millionaire playboy isn't used to taking no for an answer, and he isn't about to start now.

    When he proposes two months of no strings sex, Brooke is intrigued and accepts his proposal. Little does she know Jett's determined to claim the one woman he can't have, pulling her deeper into his dangerous world.

    Download Surrender Your Love by J C Reed Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    Lover At Last: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward

    Again a New York Best Seller by J R Ward.

    About the book
    Qhuinn, son of no one, is used to being on his own. Disavowed from his bloodline, shunned by the aristocracy, he has finally found an identity as one of the most brutal fighters in the war against the Lessening Society. But his life is not complete. Even as the prospect of having a family of his own seems to be within reach, he is empty on the inside, his heart given to another....

    Blay, after years of unrequited love, has moved on from his feelings for Qhuinn. And it’s about time: it seems Qhuinn has found his perfect match in a Chosen female, and they are going to have a young. It’s hard for Blay to see the new couple together, but building your life around a pipe dream is just a heartbreak waiting to happen. And Qhuinn needs to come to terms with some dark things before he can move forward…

    Fate seems to have taken these vampire soldiers in different directions... but as the battle over the race’s throne intensifies, and new players on the scene in Caldwell create mortal danger for the Brotherhood, Qhuinn finally learns the true definition of courage, and two hearts who are meant to be together... finally become one.

     Download Lover At Last: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood Ebook eoub,mobi and pdf

    Scandalous by Tilly Bagshawe

    About the book

    Sasha Miller arrives at Cambridge University with a single goal: to earn a place among the great scientists of her time. But that dream comes crashing down when the naïve student is seduced by her womanizing professor, Theo Dexter. She trusted him with her heart—and with the brilliant original theory that would jump-start her career. Now Theo is claiming her work as his own, and a devastated Sasha vows revenge.
    Eight years later, the newly rich and famous Theo Dexter is the darling of the American media and every woman’s fantasy. Every woman except one. Now head of a successful business empire, Sasha has spent years laying the groundwork for the payback Theo so richly deserves. But if she’s going to do this thing right, she can’t do it alone. She’ll need the help of the only other woman who knows the ugly truth hidden behind Theo’s handsome façade: his spurned ex-wife Theresa. Together, the pair will concoct a plan for revenge so spectacular it will make every man think twice.

     Download Scandalous by Tilly Bagshawe Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    The Burgess Boys: A Novel by Elizabeth Strout

    Haunted by the freak accident that killed their father when they were children, Jim and Bob Burgess escaped from their Maine hometown of Shirley Falls for New York City as soon as they possibly could. Jim, a sleek, successful corporate lawyer, has belittled his bighearted brother their whole lives, and Bob, a Legal Aid attorney who idolizes Jim, has always taken it in stride. But their long-standing dynamic is upended when their sister, Susan—the Burgess sibling who stayed behind—urgently calls them home. Her lonely teenage son, Zach, has gotten himself into a world of trouble, and Susan desperately needs their help. And so the Burgess brothers return to the landscape of their childhood, where the long-buried tensions that have shaped and shadowed their relationship begin to surface in unexpected ways that will change them forever.

    With a rare combination of brilliant storytelling, exquisite prose, and remarkable insight into character, Elizabeth Strout has brought to life two deeply human protagonists whose struggles and triumphs will resonate with readers long after they turn the final page. Tender, tough-minded, loving, and deeply illuminating about the ties that bind us to family and home, The Burgess Boys is Elizabeth Strout’s newest and perhaps most astonishing work of literary art.

     Download The Burgess Boys: A Novel Ebook Epub,mobi and pdf

    You Know What You Have To Do by Bonnie Shimko

    You do not kill a man in cold blood and then talk your way out of it. Other than her real name — Mary-Magdalene Feigenbaum — fifteen-year-old Maggie’s problems seem ordinary. She has tiffs with her too-critical mother, a crush on her cute psychologist, and worries that her only friend — fellow outcast Abigail — is morphing into a popular girl, leaving her behind. But Maggie has a few not-so-ordinary problems. A voice in her head is telling her to kill. And not just anyone. Each time the target is a person who has done something terrible to someone Maggie cares for. You know what you have to do, the voice commands. Maggie struggles to resist, but the voice is relentless. And as its demands escalate, her world begins to crumble. With rising suspense, this story of psychological horror introduces a narrator whose own unique voice and irreverent humor are unforgettable – an unlikely hero fighting a desperate battle against incomprehensible evil.

    Download You Know What You Have To Do by Bonnie Shimko Ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    Chasing Rainbows A Novel by Kathleen Long

    Chocolate. Tattered robe. Wedding video. Wine.
    Things aren’t looking so good for Bernadette Murphy.
    With the breakup of her marriage, the sudden death of her father, and the announcement of her best friend’s pregnancy, Bernadette finds herself careening toward rock bottom. So why stop short? She quits her job, gets herself banned—for life—from the mall, and goes on a late-night-infomercial spending spree. To top it all off, her dog gets kicked out of obedience school—again.
    Just when she thinks there’s nothing left for the universe to throw at her, she discovers the one thing she needs the most: a reminder of her father’s love. In the book of cryptograms he left behind, Bernie’s father helps guide her through the pain that’s consuming her. With each solved puzzle, her father’s encoded lessons give Bernie the courage to face life head-on. And as her father always said, “In life, you either choose to sing a rainbow, or you don’t.”
    For Bernie, the singing is about to begin.

    Chasing Rainbows A Novel by Kathleen Long ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    The Rising (Darkness Rising #3) by Kelley Armstrong

    Things are getting desperate for Maya and her friends. Hunted by the powerful St. Clouds and now a rival Cabal as well, they're quickly running out of places to hide. And with the whole world thinking they died in a helicopter crash, it's not like they can just go to the authorities for help.

    All they have is the name and number of someone who might be able to give them a few answers. Answers to why they're so valuable, and why their supernatural powers are getting more and more out of control.

    But Maya is unprepared for the truths that await her. And now, like it or not, she'll have to face down some demons from her past if she ever hopes to move on with her life. Because Maya can't keep running forever.

    Old secrets are revealed and unexpected characters make a surprising return in this stunning conclusion to Kelley Armstrong's New York Times bestselling Darkness Rising trilogy.

    Download The Rising (Darkness Rising #3) Ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    Fever (THE BREATHLESS TRILOGY) by Maya Banks

    Jace, Ash, and Gabe: three of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the country. They’re accustomed to getting anything they want. Anything at all. For Jace, it’s a woman whose allure takes him completely by surprise...

    Jace Crestwell, Ash McIntyre, and Gabe Hamilton have been best friends and successful business partners for years. They’re powerful, they’re imposing, they’re irresistibly sexy, and Jace and Ash share everything—including their women.

    When they meet Bethany, Jace begins to feel things he’s never experienced before: jealousy, and a powerful obsession that threatens him, overwhelms him—and excites him beyond control.

    Jace isn’t sharing Bethany—with anyone. He’s determined to be the only man in her life, and it’s jeopardizing a lifelong friendship with Ash. Bethany will be his and his alone. Even if it means turning his back on his best friend.

    Download Fever (THE BREATHLESS TRILOGY) by Maya Banks ebook mobi,epub and pdf

    The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken

    "I have a proposition for you..."
    Kacey should have run the minute those words left Seattle millionaire Jake Titus's mouth. Instead, she made a deal with the devil in hopes of putting her past behind her once and for all.
    Four days.
    She could do four days!
    But she wasn't counting on Jake’s older brother Travis being there to witness their farce of an engagement.
    One thing is for certain.
    One brother is right for her.
    One wants a lifetime.
    And one is in league with the devil.
    She should have gotten Jake’s signature in blood.

    Download The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken Ebook epub,mobi and pdf

    If Tomorrow Comes


    If Tomorrow Comes

    A novel by

    Sidney Sheldon

    This is a story of intrigue and revenge. Tracy Whitney is young, beautiful and intelligent - and about to marry into wealth and glamour. Until, suddenly, she is betrayed, framed by a ruthless Mafia gang, abandoned by the man she loves. Only her ingenuity saves her and helps her fight back.


    C Programming for Scientists and Engineers

    C Programming for Scientists and Engineers (Manufacturing Engineering Series)
    Butterworth-Heinemann / June 6, 2002 | 160 pages | ISBN: 1857180305 | PDF | 7.5Mb
    The aim of this book is to provide a rapid introduction to the C programming language. In a computing world that is increasingly full of C++ and Object Oriented methods, C still has an important role to play, particularly in the implementation of engineering and scientific calculations. This book is biased towards those features of C that make it useful for these types of application. This makes the book particularly relevant to students on various engineering and scientific courses where the role of C programming may range from being an important supportive topic to a core discipline.
    Neither C nor any other programming language can be learned simply by reading about it. Consequently, each chapter is further divided into key points, or more focused sections that involve the reader in various programming activities guided by tutorial questions. These are accompanied by tutorial problems at the end of each chapter that aim to integrate the chapter topic into the wider framework of C programming and technical applications.
    The two key features of this book are its focus on those aspects of C that are of most general use, and presentation of these features in a way that is particularly accessible by students on engineering and science based courses. The pace of the book is quite rapid, covering a lot of C functionality in a relatively small number of pages. This is achieved through concise but carefully thought-out explanations of key points. This approach is a strong contrast to the majority of books on C that typically run to several hundred pages and, consequently, require significant commitment from the reader. This is especially important when C programming may only be, perhaps, one of six subjects studied in a fifteen week semester.
    BuzzNet Tags:



    Everything you need to know to create professional web sites is right here. Learning Web Design starts from the beginning -- defining how the Web and web pages work -- and builds from there. By the end of the book, you'll have the skills to create multi-column CSS layouts with optimized graphic files, and you'll know how to get your pages up on the Web.
    This thoroughly revised edition teaches you how to build web sites according to modern design practices and professional standards. Learning Web Design explains:

    • How to create a simple (X)HTML page, how to add links and images
    • Everything you need to know about web standards -- (X)HTML, DTDs, and more
    • Cascading Style Sheets -- formatting text, colors and backgrounds, using the box model, page layout, and more
    • All about web graphics, and how to make them lean and mean through optimization
    • The site development process, from start to finish
    • Getting your pages on the Web -- hosting, domain names, and FTP
    The book includes exercises to help you to learn various techniques, and short quizzes to make sure you're up to speed with key concepts. If you're interested in web design, Learning Web Design is the place to start.
    LiveJournal Tags:


    Google Blogger For Dummies

    The "For Dummies" series of reference books published by Wiley are complete guides on a range of subjects which present information in plain English. "Dummies" books are offered as complete guides on the given subject, where the information presented makes the subject easy to understand even for a complete beginner.
    In Google Blogger for Dummies, Susan Gunelius offers a simple and comprehensive approach for understanding and making the most of the Google Blogger platform. Chapters range from "Setting up your blog" right through to "Making Money With Blogger" and "Boosting your Search Engine Ranking". This ensures that readers learn far more than how to use Blogger to publish our blogs: we can learn how to use Blogger to create an authoritative, income-generating and professional blog on the niche project of our choice.

    What's covered in the book
    Google Blogger for Dummies is split into six main parts, with each part containing several chapters which comprehensively detail an aspect of blogging with Blogger. Furthermore, each chapter is segmented further into mini-sections (usually no more than a page long) which offers detail, advice and information on the aspects of blogging you may encounter.
    Technorati Tags:


    Macromedia Flash 8 For Dummies

    Make the Web interactive with your own animations
    Liven up your Web site with graphics that move, buttons that light up, and more
    Flash is fun - and this book makes it easy whether you're using a Mac(r) or Windows(r). Fill letters with images, create buttons that glow or change color when you pass your mouse over them, play video and sound files, morph objects into different ones, and do dozens of other things to make your site flashier.
    Discover how to
    * Create animated text
    * Find sample Flash files
    * Explore links to additional information
    * Add sound and video
    * Build great user interfaces
    * Publish your Flash files
    BuzzNet Tags:


    Lord Of the Rings Collection

    The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by philologist and Oxford University professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier, less complex children's fantasy novel The Hobbit (1937), but eventually developed into a much larger work. It was written in stages between 1937 and 1949, much of it during World War II.Although generally known to readers as a trilogy, the work was initially intended by Tolkien to be one volume of a two-volume set along with The Silmarillion; however, the publisher decided to omit the second volume and instead published The Lord of the Rings in 1954-55 as three books rather than one, for economic reasons.It has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into many languages, becoming one of the most popular and influential works in 20th-century literature.
    BuzzNet Tags:


    Digital Fortress


    Digital Fortress

    A novel by:Dan Brown
    In most thrillers, "hardware" consists of big guns, airplanes, military vehicles, and weapons that make things explode. Dan Brown has written a thriller for those of us who like our hardware with disc drives and who rate our heroes by big brainpower rather than big firepower. It's an Internet user's spy novel where the good guys and bad guys struggle over secrets somewhat more intellectual than just where the secret formula is hidden--they have to gain understanding of what the secret formula actually is.
    In this case, the secret formula is a new means of encryption, capable of changing the balance of international power. Part of the fun is that the book takes the reader along into an understanding of encryption technologies. You'll find yourself better understanding the political battles over such real-life technologies as the Clipper Chip and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software even though the book looks at the issues through the eyes of fiction.
    Although there's enough globe hopping in this book for James Bond, the real battleground is cyberspace, because that's where the "bomb" (or rather, the new encryption algorithm) will explode. Yes, there are a few flaws in the plot if you look too closely, but the cleverness and the sheer fun of it all more than make up for them. There are enough twists and turns to keep you guessing and a lot of high, gee-whiz-level information about encryption, code breaking, and the role they play in international politics. Set aside the whole afternoon and evening for it and have finger food on hand for supper--you may want to read this one straight through.

    BuzzNet Tags: ,


    Angels and Demons


    (The first book in the Robert Langdon series)
    A novel by:Dan Brown
    When a world renowned scientist is found brutally murdered in a Swiss research facility, a Harvard professor, Robert Langdon, is summoned to identify the mysterious symbol seared onto the dead man's chest. His baffling conclusion: it is the work of the Illuminati, a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years - reborn to continue their bitter vendetta against their sworn enemy, the Catholic church.
    In Rome, the college of cardinals assembles to elect a new pope. Yet somewhere within the walls of the Vatican, an unstoppable bomb of terrifying power relentlessly counts down to oblivion. While the minutes tick away, Langdon joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and mysterious Italian scientist, to decipher the labyrinthine trail of ancient symbols that snakes across Rome to the long-forgotten Illuminati lair - a secret refuge wherein lies the only hope for the Vatican.
    But with each revelation comes another twist, another turn in the plot, which leaves Langdon and Vetra reeling and at the mercy of a seemingly invisible enemy...

    BuzzNet Tags:


    The Da Vinci Code

    The second book in the Robert Langdon series)
    A novel by:Dan Brown
    Harvard Professor Robert Langdon, visiting Paris, is called in when the curator of the Louvre is murdered. Alongside the body is a series of baffling ciphers. Langton and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, are amazed to find a trail that leads to the works of Da Vinci - and beyond.
    BuzzNet Tags:


    Stephen King The Stand Unabridged Illustrated

    One man escapes from a biological weapon facility after an accident, carrying with him the deadly virus known as Captain Tripps, a rapidly mutating flu that - in the ensuing weeks - wipes out most of the world's population. In the aftermath, survivors choose between following an elderly black woman to Boulder or the dark man, Randall Flagg, who has set up his command post in Las Vegas. The two factions prepare for a confrontation between the forces of good and evil.


    Nothing Lasts Forever


    A novel by

    Sidney Sheldon

    Three women doctors begin five years training at Embarcadero County Hospital, San Francisco. The story, set against hospital and courtroom, chronicles their lives together and their struggle to outwit those determined that they don't succeed.
